Monday, March 21, 2011

Bobbie Blue

    This is Bobbie! She's our 400 dollar 1972 Ford Explorer. She thought she was in for a better life moving to the city but it's the same ole song and dance here. Dump runs, hauling dirt, pulling out tree stumps, there isn't anything that we have asked her to do that she hasn't done and we couldn't live with out her.
    I recently took her over to Seattle Sawdust Supply to get two yards of their planting mix to start filling in our raised beds. My heart was in my throat a bit when the tractor dumped the second yard into her bed. She was riding real low but she made it home and we've been back twice for more dirt and we'll  go back three more times. Yup, it's gonna take six trips to completely fill our raised beds. We tried to get soil delivered from Cedar Grove but the product we wanted was too wet and they were steering people away from it.
    Soooo, plan B: we get a workout. I have personally shoveled 4 yards of dirt from Bobbie's bed to a wheelbarrow and then trucked it over to the raised beds. And when I can feel my arms again I plan to do more. Luckily Sawdust Supply is only six blocks away and Husband is on board to do a couple loads this Wednesday. We are well on our way to veggie bed completion!
    We are a little behind on starting seeds indoors but I am trying to think that now is better than never. So yesterday I clickity-clicked about how to make my own starter pots out of newspaper. I have been lusting after this fancy wooden apparatus from the Seeds of Change catalog that will make this process tidier but I can't bring myself to buy the thing ( probably husband's cheapness rubbing off ). I have to say it went pretty well using an entire Seattle Weekly and a nearly strait sided drinking glass. We planted some tomatoes, leeks and Walla walla sweet onions, stuck them under a fluorescent light in our basement and are keeping our fingers crossed.
   On a final note I gave the peepers a roost! They have so much fun getting up there and trying to stay on. Pickles always gets sleepy eyed when she gets up there but then she looses her balance when she falls asleep, so peepin' cute.